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About Us

Production Energy Services is a south Texas family owned manufacturing business located in a rural setting outside Inez. Texas. The company has endeavored to develop specialty niche products with a sincere mission to offer good core values to our employees, customers and associates.

Our goals include an effort to build the best products available to support our customers in their endeavors.

Our manufacturing facility is equipped to the highest standards and strict quality control procedures are in place to ensure that our Post Pounders meet, exceed, your expectations.

Production Energy Services which has been involved in manufacturing of several oilfield related types of equipment such as natural gas compressor packages, wireline units , capillary units and well test equipment, was encouraged and inspired by a well known South Texas ranch supply company to fill a need in the huge fencing industry. There were fences everywhere. There were fence builders in every community and a great potential for a better product. After a year of researching and development of the first models, the Black Cat Post Pounder found its way into a recognized market to both commercial fence builders as well as end users in the likes of independent ranchers, property owners and livestock and game managers.

Fencing has always been hard work and if you raise livestock… you need fences. Necessity is the mother of invention which has opened the doors of always trying to build a better mousetrap. Fighting the economic demand of raising livestock requires having the proper tools to fight those demands.

The rising cost of labor, contract services and value of time have driven technology in the fencing industry. Driving fence posts have become a common sight and have challenged the age old ways of digging, augering, backfilling and taping posts into the ground. These factors were motivators for Production Energy Services to develop the “Black Cat Post Pounder” back in 1998. Since then have grown to having active customers in 31 U.S. states, Mexico and South America, including Uruguay.

Note: We are for a limited time interviewing Distributors for North America. If you are interested in selling our product, Please Contact Us for more information.

A few years ago we bought a post driver from you to put on a snow cat. We never remembered to take pictures to send you. So, here is one. This pic is on level ground, but we use it mostly on very steep ground. Just don't have any pictures there - sorry.

We make our posts from used 2 7/8 to 3 1/4 drill stem. We put a 30 degree point on them and weld a cap on. Most of out posts are 10' to 15' and we usually drive them between 2' and 3'. If we wack them enough we can drive them through most rocks (we are in the Rocky Mountains!). The combination of the Black Cat Post Pounder, a snow cat and pile like posts has allowed us to get fences, sign posts, supports, etc. where nothing else has worked other than flying concrete with a helicopter.

Thanks for working with us to get the Post Pounder attached to our snow cat!


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